Attract Customers to Your Website

Drive traffic to your website with our online marketing solutions, find one that suits your business best.

Traffic Booster

The fastest way to start generating leads after you have published your new website online.

Business Directory

List your website on local and global online business directories so your business information can be found easily.

Simple SEO

Our all-in-one SEO tool guides you on how to get the best website ranking in Google search results.

Email Marketing

Send stylish promotions and newsletters using custom lists to keep customers informed.

Web Analytics

Intelligent website reporting to help you track customer activity and purchases in real time.

Why market your business online

Reach a wider audience

More visitors to your website means more sales. Expand your brand awareness online to get more traffic.

Value for money & efficient

Don't waste your money on expensive monthly ads, our tools will boost the basic organic keywords through SEO.

Upsell your customers

Promotions and newsletters will keep your customers up to date and keeping coming back to your website for repeat business.

What’s Online PLOMO Marketing Hub

Online Marketing Hub brings together key marketing tools – and lets you track your website’s SEO progress – all in one platform.
Ability to track your SEO progress of multiple domains in one place
All marketing and SEO tools within one login for efficiency
Minimalist and user-friendly interface will get your website improved instantly

FAQ Online PLOMO Marketing Hub

Online Marketing is the use of digital technology in spreading brand awareness. It commonly uses platforms like social media, email marketing, and digital advertising.

Online Marketing Hub is your one-stop shop for Online Marketing needs – Business Directory, Traffic Booster, Web Analytics, Email Marketing, and SEO.

An Online Marketing campaign can help your business reach a wider audience and target more prospects – which means more website traffic and business interests.

From there, you can get leads with specific demographics and characteristics. Making use of this information can help you personalise your Online Marketing strategies to get better results.

Online Marketing is the umbrella term for different marketing strategies that use digital channels like social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising.

Online Advertising, on the other hand, is usually the promotion of a company and its services through paid digital channels. In other words, Online Advertising is simply a component of Online Marketing.

You can start building a solid Online Marketing campaign by identifying your target audience. Then, create a SMART goal to define what you want to accomplish.

Specific. Set a well-defined and specific goal. Avoid goals that have a broad interpretation.

Measurable. Have a benchmark target to measure your goal. It helps track your progress and meet expectations.

Achievable. Be realistic with your goals. Your goals must align with your resources and make sure it’s doable.

Relevant. Your goal must be relevant to your objective. Ask yourself. Is it necessary? Or is it a waste of time and resources? Make sure to have a goal that is contributing to your business objective.

Time-bound. Ensure that you’ll get to the finish line. It also gives you a sense of urgency in achieving your goal.

You can measure Online Marketing success through results. Regardless of goal – be it increasing client engagements or revenue – check your SMART goals to know whether you made progress.

we will give your business the cutting edge it needs to make a breakthrough from local niche to national markets. Ultimately we want to help grow your business by solving any issue or concern you may have about a digital campaign.